10 ways to make money, Surviving the Credit Crunch, Top Tips for surviving the credit crunchPosted on:June 29, 2017 Written by:survivingthecreditcrunch Categorized in:UncategorizedThere are many ways we can increase our earnings, whether by taking on a second part time position or by exploiting something we have always wanted to do, such as taking a part as an extra or by exploiting a hobby or fun activity.

The important thing to remember is that you don’t want to force yourself to do something which will take away too much of your free time, its important to remember to give yourself down time to relax and unwind, otherwise you run the risk of burning out.

1) TV/film extra

Production companies need people of all shapes and sizes and if you’re over 18 but look younger you’ll be especially popular, as you can save them the cost of a chaperone for a child actor. Don’t expect to meet the stars though. This can be a lot of fun but be warned you can also spend a great deal of time just waiting for a scene only to find it hasn’t been used in the final cut.

Average pay: £80 a day, with bonuses for things like providing your own costume or doing a ‘walk-on’. Overtime is paid at around £11 an hour.

More info: there’s a list of extras agencies at UK Screen

2) Campus brand manager

All sorts of companies hire students to promote them on campus, from film distributors to sportswear firms. You’ll get plenty of opportunities to demonstrate your business acumen, but the work can be time-consuming.

Average pay: £300 a term, though some firms only pay on a commission basis.

More info: look for notices on student job boards.

3) Trading on eBay

‘The World’s Online Marketplace’ has one million registered users in the UK alone so there’s bound to be someone who’ll pay for anything you have to sell. Start with stuff you don’t want (old CDs, clothes, toys) to get a feel for it. It’s a good idea to spend time looking at the most popular items which are selling at the time, this way you can get a feel for what’s hot and what’s not. Christmas is a great time to sell on ebay, you could even dig out some old unwanted gifts you have received in the past.

Average pay: the sky’s the limit – but unless you’re selling something rare or valuable, don’t expect to make a fortune.

More info: go to eBay and click on ‘eBay explained’.

4) Pose as a life model

You don’t have to be beautiful or in particularly great shape but you do have to patient, able to sit still and perhaps not wince at what an artist makes of you. But good models are in demand. This isn’t for the shy retiring type, but it can be a lot of fun and its also a great way to meet new friends.

Average pay: from £6 or so an hour clothed, to £7 or so an hour unclothed outside London; a little more in the capital.

More info: contact art colleges and adult education colleges near you.

5) In-store demonstrator

There’s lots of work for confident, personable people in supermarkets and department stores. You might be required to show off your ironing skills, hold a food tasting or demonstrate a new kitchen gadget, for example. Hours are often in the evenings or during weekends so can fit around your studies. This can be a very rewarding way to earn extra income and is especially good for those people who like to stand out, bags of confidence is a must for this role as you will be standing in front of a small crowd trying to win them over.

Average pay: varies, but can be up to £10 an hour.

More info: search for ‘field marketing agencies’ on the Internet.

6) Event stewarding

Concerts and sports fixtures employ a small army to help with organisation. The necessary training will be provided on the day but don’t view the job as a free ticket. Stewards at football matches, for example, are expected to face the crowd, not watch the game. This is a demanding role but can be a lot of fun.

Average pay: rates start at £5 an hour; with training you can earn up to £15 an hour.

More info: try Recruit Event Services.

7) Blogging

There best way to make money through blogging is by placing advertising banners alongside your blog. An array of third party tools are available for setting up these ads, Google’s AdSense remains one of the more popular solutions. Just establish yourself a decent blog, configure the ads and see what happens.

Average pay: This will range widely depending on how many people visit your blog and click on the sponsored links.

More info: see WordPress for starting a blog and Google Adsense for setting up your sponsored links

8) Mystery shopping

Some men would pay good money not to go shopping, but ‘mystery shoppers’, on the other hand, get paid instead. It’s not just about going to shops but perhaps to restaurants, bars or to stay in a hotel and report on how the customer’s being treated. You’ll get all the money for your meals, drinks or bills repaid and you may get to keep the shopping, too – unless, of course, it’s diamonds.

Average pay: from £6 a visit, but could be as much as £100 a day.

More info: try the Mystery Shopping Agency on 020 8325 8974 or Retail Eyes

9) Internet researcher

You may have grown up taking the Internet for granted but there are plenty of people who aren’t familiar with it or are too busy to spend time on it. So if you’re skilled at extracting information from a web search, you can hire yourself out as a researcher for people like lawyers and writers.

Average pay: £10 an hour

More info: look for notices on student job boards or contact likely clients in your area.

10) Rent out your Spare Room

If you have a spare room in your home and you don’t mind sharing, renting to lodgers can be a great way of raising extra cash. Make sure that you vet any candidates to ensure they are working etc, and more importantly make sure that you will get along with them; after all they will be sharing your home.

Average income £250.00 – £400.00 per month

More Info: spareroom.co.uk

  1. Online tutor

If you are reading this then you have the internet skills to become an online tutor. Pay ranges from ?8 to ?30 an hour (the average being around ?18 an hour). You can arrange your workload to suit you and you don’t need to be an academic genius to help people learn. The qualification requirement is generally one level above what you are teaching (i.e. if you have A-level English then you can tutor someone up to GCSE level). As an added bonus, you also get to feel good about yourself for helping someone.

  1. Writing

Think you can string a coherent paragraph together? Are you passionate or knowledgeable about a topic? Well write about it. Freelance writers can be very well paid, work in their own time (as long as they meet a deadline) and are in demand. Rates vary, from ?1 a word from some national newspapers to 2 pence a word with some websites. Of course websites, magazine companies and other establishments need writers for everything from short-stories to putting together the text on commemorative stamp collections – and not just in the UK. Thanks to the internet you can write for publications in any country where they publish in a language you speak.

  1. Delivery person

Early riser? Well for spending an hour of your morning dropping off papers you can earn pretty good money. And you don’t necessarily have to wake up early, free property papers and local newspapers are often delivered in the afternoon or at weekends as well. Yes, it might be miserable work in the rain, but for spending an hour walking around streets and lanes near your home you can pick more than pocket change. It’s stress-free, you don’t lose out on any socialising as you can make your deliveries before work and at minimum wage this will get you more than ?100 a month.

  1. Barman

Spending time in bars and pubs is something that generally costs you money, but it doesn’t have to. With wages of more than ?50 for an evening shift available in the cities, it’s not a small amount to make for spending a night once or twice a week in a bar – and if it is your local you can spend a quiet Tuesday after work with your friends.

  1. Translating

If you can speak a second language (anything from French to Mandarin) you can earn money translating. Working from home you are sent text to translate, either from or to English, and make some money out of translating it. You can either pick jobs from a list of available work or be sent texts to translate by an agency. Of course, the more common the language you speak, the more competition. Pay depends on the number of words and complexity of translation – although for more complex work such as technical/industry specific work then you would probably need to have worked in that industry.

  1. Make your opinion pay the bills

You can make quite a bit of cash from filling in surveys for people, or being interviewed face to face. Some of the quicker online surveys pay just ?1 while being part of a focus group can get you up to ?50. And if you have specialist knowledge you can get as much as ?150 for a face-to-face interview. A quick search can find you surveys online that pay you while Saros Research is associated with the longer face-to-face surveys.

  1. Medical trials

Okay, this one sounds scary. But it doesn’t have to be. Medical trials can be anything from answering questions to testing and tasting food. Of course, you get paid more for the higher-risk stuff, but you are fully informed about what is about to be done to you before they start. Pay is anything up to ?100 a day for every day you are involved in treatment.

  1. Ask for a Raise

Your job is your most important financial asset and using it to make more money represents the low-lying fruit of all money making opportunities. Of course you simply can’t demand a raise for showing up. You have to ask for a raise in a way that maximizes your likelihood of getting one. Fortunately it’s rather simple: do a great job, make sure others know about your success (especially your boss), then pitch the proper person on why you deserve a raise. If you do these things better than most, you can secure a 5-7% raise while the others are stuck with a cost-of-living adjustment. Also note, it’s just as important to NOT do certain things when asking for a raise. Otherwise, you might torpedo your chances for the extra loot.

  1. Get a Promotion

Ok, let’s say you’re squeamish about asking for a raise — how about earning a raise by getting a promotion? It’s generally accepted that if you have more responsibility you get paid more. But how do you go about getting a promotion? Basically it’s the same way you go about building your case to get a raise — perform well and make sure everyone knows about it. (Plus you can go “above and beyond” most others by doing things like taking professional classes to enhance your marketability.) Since this tip is dependent on the fact that a position actually opens up in your company, it’s not quite as good as asking for a raise in my opinion.

  1. Change jobs

Just like it’s usually the case that you’ll earn more when you get a promotion, most people earn more money when they change jobs (either a lateral change that earns you more or a promotion via job change.) The key here is to market yourself correctly in the job hunt process so you can actually land a job that pays significantly more than your current position. Some job-hunting success tips: make the most of your cover letters, stick with a classic resume that highlights significant job accomplishments, and make the most of your interviews (which includes not asking stupid questions). I’ve applied these principles several times and I’ve averaged roughly 13% increases when I’ve made a move.

0 comments on “10 ways to make money, Surviving the Credit Crunch, Top Tips for surviving the credit crunchPosted on:June 29, 2017 Written by:survivingthecreditcrunch Categorized in:UncategorizedThere are many ways we can increase our earnings, whether by taking on a second part time position or by exploiting something we have always wanted to do, such as taking a part as an extra or by exploiting a hobby or fun activity.Add yours →

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